If you are interested in bringing Cindy to speak to groups of high school or middle school students, educators or parents, contact Sarah Callaway at info@cindy-pierce.com or 781-366-4187.
If you are interested in bringing Cindy to speak to groups of college students or college organizations, contact Sarah Callaway at info@cindy-pierce.com or 781-366-4187.
If you are interested in booking Cindy to perform comic storytelling, contact Cindy at
cindypiercespeaker@gmail.com or 603-643-2997.
If you are interested in Pierce’s Inn, find more information at piercesinn.com. You can reach Bruce Lingelbach at piercesinn@gmail.com or 603-643-2997.

Web site design, maintenance and photography by Geoff Hansen. Copy editing by Nicola Smith.