Connect with Cindy

Photo by Britton Mann

As a frank and open person with over 25 years of parenting, relationship, and sexuality research under my belt, I am frequently asked for advice by friends, family members, acquaintances, and random people. People consistently express that they find my wisdom and honest approach valuable when discussing the challenges of parenting, marriage, dating, and caregiving. A parent of young children said, “Any time spent listening, learning, and connecting with Cindy is well spent! She is easy to talk to and creates a safe space to ask questions and learn. Cindy is inviting, self-deprecating, wise, and hilarious.”

I offer confidential consultations for people near and far who want to connect with me, one-on-one on Zoom for a 30-minute session ($90) or a onehour consultation ($150).

To give you a sense, I will be offering consultations on topics including, but not limited to:

    • Parenting: The full range from wee ones to adult children
    • Relationships: Deepening the connection with your partner while juggling work, parenting, and/or other commitments
    • Sexuality Education: Diving into proactive sexuality education for kids of all ages
    • Cell Phones and Screen Time: Reconsidering guidelines for screen time and smartphones for all ages
    • Dating: Navigating dating and relationships online and off – communication, connection, and sex
    • Caregiving: The challenges of being a caregiver for aging parents when you live in the same community or far away

During these consultations, I will offer perspective, share wisdom, provide feedback, and help people reframe expectations to help navigate the tricky aspects of life with warmth and humor. I will share helpful resources and guide you toward an action plan to improve your relationships.

One of my superpowers is to weave my lived experiences with what I have learned over years of interviews and research into conversations that will help you find a clearer path forward. I love to connect with people, and dicey terrain is my specialty. Encouraging people to be kinder to themselves is my number-one goal.

I would love to meet with you. If you or someone you know is interested in scheduling a call, please contact me at Word of mouth is a powerful tool, and I appreciate your spreading the word.

Consultation Testimonials:

“Cindy normalizes questions people are often scared to ask and provides a judgment-free setting. I have asked her questions that felt weird, and seen others ask her awkward questions, and she is truly unfazed. I have never seen her ruffled or caught off guard by a question! Nothing is off-limits with her. She makes you feel normal and not alone in asking a question or feeling a certain way.”
– Single millennial in the throes of dating

“I have had hard, emotional conversations with Cindy, and even the most emotional conversations include laughter and levity. One of her greatest gifts is her ability to give her undivided attention and full presence in a conversation. Her vulnerability makes me feel safe, less alone, and trusting that I am on the path to a more joyful life.”
– Parent of young kids

“Your thought-provoking work inspired significant conversations between my mother and me. I have always appreciated the beauty of your ability to offer language and clarity for those of us navigating aging parents. Your willingness to share your experiences openly, authentically, and honestly validate and normalize some of my feelings. I have felt less alone and less guilty about how I am experiencing my mother’s aging and my father’s death. For this, I am forever grateful.”
– Caregiver and parent navigating the sandwich generation